The Gift of Today

I heard a great line from a song on the radio this morning.
“We are all one phone call away from our knees.”
What a powerful reminder to us all that life can and does change at a drop of the hat and all of our plans, dreams and goals will not change that fact. My life is now different than it was a week ago. I lost a good companion this morning when one of our cats transition to Spirit. A week ago I would not have even considered that as a possibility. Today I am missing a friend.

We often forget, I know that I do, that things change constantly. Our lives appear the same day in and day out. We do the same things everyday, we see the same people, we hear the same songs on the radio, we have our regular routines. So our lives appear to be the same. However, our days are not the same. Each day is a new one and can not ever be recaptured once gone. We forget, I forget, that each day is not a “given right” (a line from another song) but a gift to be cherished and embraced. A blessing that may not be here tomorrow.

Today say “I love you” extra time to those you love. Kiss and hug your furry friends a couple extra time. Smile to those you see on the street. Say “Thank you” to those around you for the service they render you. Better yet say “Thank you” to people just because they are in your life. Each day remember that you are only one phone call away from your knees. Remember that those people who are in your lives now will be there someday. Most of all, remember that today is a blessing and a gift. Embrace it. Cherish it. Don’t let it pass without acknowledging that fact.

You will be missed my little one.

Yukonne Yuki McMahon


  1. I’m so sorry to hear about your baby. Thank you for sharing and reminding me to make the most of my time and also telling my loved ones how much I love them. Keep up the great work. Love Ya, Lisa Jo

  2. Celina, sorry to had news about your baby. I’m glad I was able to meet her. My heart goes out to you and Jim.
    Loves, Bren

  3. My condolences on the loss of Yukonne Yuki. Some people just don’t understand how much we miss our pets when we lose them. I wish you days of fond and happy memories amidst the sadness you feel.

    I know all too well how life can change in the blink of an eye. One morning I sent my kids off to school, turned on Sesame Street for my 4 yr old, started some wash and began to help my disabled husband with his morning routine before getting him out of bed. There was a fire that morning that changed our lives forever and no time to say goodbye to my husband. I had to get our little one out of the house and to safety and was not able to save my husband. He died a short while after the firemen got him out and our home and belongings were destroyed. This was a long time ago and was naturally the toughest period of our lives, but we survived and learned so many lessons we wished we did not have to learn. Nonetheless, the lessons helped us to go on. I can attrest to the fact that it is possible to do so, but your reminder to take a few moments to cherish what we have iand to appreciate the people in our lives and to let them know, is so important!!

    • Thanks you so much for sharing, Iris. You have my sympathy and compassion for the events that you experienced. Even now I still forget that life can change so quickly. We get comfortable. We get in our routines and we forget that they only constant is change.

      • Thank you. You are not alone in sometimes finding yourself too comfortable. It happens to us all and we must then shake things up a little and must remind ourselves.

  4. Today, I’m taking a moment to say I love YOU, Celina! Thank you for sharing your Light and your Love with all of us. Knowing that Yuki and you are One in Spirit!
    Love and blessings,

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